As fall was approaching I kept noticing patterns for leaves. Some were simple and some were more complex and required charts. Since I was already working on a project I decided to make a Pinterest board just for fall decorations. Otherwise, I would never have been able to find them when I was finally ready to start another project.

A couple of weeks ago I had a long weekend and decided to take advantage of it by starting a new project. I sat down to look through some of the patterns that I had saved. I quickly realized that I would have to pay for some of these patterns, that narrowed down the options for me. At this point I didn't have a firm idea of what I was using these leaves for and I was definitely not paying just to goof off.
Finding a couple of free patterns that I liked I downloaded one to start. Then I went on a yarn search. I decided that this would be a way for me to use up some of the yarn that I already have. So, this hunt was through my own yarn. I say hunt because my yarn is in several different containers. Some of which have to be dug through and untangled while searching. I found several balls and skeins of yarn
in what I dubbed fall colors.
The first pattern that I downloaded was
"Woodland Wreath, Oak" by Frankie Brown. You have to check out Frankie's Knitted Stuff on Ravelry. He has over 500 free downloadable patterns. He has a lot of knitted Christmas ornaments that I am going to have get started on. This pattern also included some adorable little acorns, so of course I was going to have to make those as well.
I had thought to make a long cord and string the leaves along it. It would end up being a fall garland. Maybe I would hand it along the top of a window. But, now I had an acorn. I couldn't picture the little fellow just hanging around with the leaves. Back to square one I was sitting on the floor with my yarn spread out around me. I took a quick break from knitting and just looked around the room thinking of how my little leaf and acorn could be incorporated into a larger project. Some people might call this "day dreaming". I prefer the term "idea gathering". In a couple of minutes I had a new idea when I saw my dinning table.
For a bit of a backstory, I am big on decorating based on the seasons. Nothing big, usually just a centerpiece of fake flowers that I change every few months. Right now I have a vase of orange, red, and yellow flowers and a few small plastic pumpkins.
Throughout most of the year I have a blue and white vase, but I recently changed it out for a clear vase. That change has been bothering me for a bit because I didn't like being able to see the flower stems. At times fake flowers can look almost real, but those stems will always be a dead giveaway.
Now I had an idea that could solve two of my problems. I could use the leaves and acorns I was currently making and also hide the stems of those flowers. I was going to make a vase cozy. Teapots can have them, so why not vases.

I measured the vase and found a neutral color that would allow the leaves to be the stars. I cast on fewer stitches than I thought I would need and started in a knit two purl two ribbed pattern. After the ribbing I added a couple of stitches. I adding the ribbing hoping that this would help to keep it up on the vase. I figured if it works for socks then it could work for a vase cozy.
Once I was done with the cozy itself I was able to go back to the fun part, making the leaves. The leaves allowed me to be creative. Making different color combos and sizes. The pattern includes two different sizes. However, I was able to make more sizes by using different yarn weights and sometimes using two strands at once.

Now it was time to assemble everything. My first step was to stitch up the cozy to be a tube. I folded the rectangle in half inside out and did a quick whip stitch. I don't love how the seam ended up looking. If I were to do this again I might use a different method to stitch it up. One that would produce a smoother seam.
Once I had the tube it was time for me to add the decorations. I decided that I wanted the leaves to look organic. One of the ways that I did this is by having them at different angles and positions around the vase. I also only attached the leaves in two places. This allows them to almost look like they are floating. It gives some depth and looks better than if the leaves were all flat. I made sure that the leaves were all around the vase because I did not want one area to be the focal point. People sit around the table and I want it to look interesting from every angle.
Leaves are falling all around. |
Overall, I think it turned out well for not knowing what I was doing when I first started. I might even be tempted to make more cozies for different seasons. I'm envisioning a winter one. It would be in the same cream color, only I might include some cables. Maybe I should stop calling it a vase cozy and start calling them vase sweaters.
Let me know what you think of my little sweater. Keep experimenting and having joy with yarn.