Thursday, September 5, 2019

Something New

Creating an original pattern and sharing it with others is new to me. I have been adapting, changing, and making my own knitting patterns for years. I write ideas in the margins of other patterns and will use sticky notes or a note app on my phone. However, these adaptions or patterns were always just for me. Even when making a pattern I wasn't expecting anyone to look at it.

However, recently I realized that if I was looking for a pattern to make something and didn't find it then maybe others might have this same problem. Maybe others are getting frustrated over not finding exactly what they want. This is actually the reason I started this blog in the first place (that is a story for a different day).

A week to two ago, it happened to me again. I wanted to make a quick knit hat with some chunky yarn that I had. However, I had a very specific idea of what I needed this hat to look like. I wanted this hat for my blog post about The Big Comfy Couch and I wanted to look as much as Loonette as possible. Click here if you missed that post.

I found a few patterns, but they were not exactly what I wanted. They didn't look enough like Loonette's hat. So, I decided that I needed to make my own hat. This was never anything that I was planing to keep or wear more than just for that photo. But I fell in love with it. I loved how the hat looked so much that I had to make a matching scarf.

For once I let the yarn do it's thing when it came to the color. I used Caron® Tea Cakes™ color Oolong and for once in my life I did not try to manipulate it. I didn't worry about the color changes. Even when I was adding a new cake. Usually when joining more yarn I will unravel it to the point where it matches the pattern created with the color work. This time I joined the new cake when it was needed without any thought about the colors. This yarn allows these patterns be knit up quickly and beautifully without any stress.       

Below I have included the instructions for the hat and scarf. This pattern is also available for download or to be saved at this link: Easy Chunky Hat and Infinity Scarf. I hope that it will be the quick and easy hat and scarf set that someone out there is looking for. I enjoyed this quick knit. I was able to finish the set in about a week.

If you are looking for a hat and scarf set that knits up quickly than this pattern is for you.

One of my favorite parts of the set is the doubled over band on the hat. Because it is knitted folded over then it will not roll. I can not stand it when the band on a hat rolls down when I am wearing it. I want the band to cover stay put and do its job which is to keep my ears nice and toasty.

Scarf is wrapped three times. 
I also love the length of the scarf. I made it extra long, so that it can be wrapped around several times. My favorite winter scarfs are always infinity scarfs. Personally I think they are easier to wear and less likely to slip off. Even if I get warm I can just loosen it and keep it still around my neck. I might be known for losing a scarf or two or many many more. But all of those were traditional. Hopefully I can keep track of this one, at least for a winter or two.   

Now all I need is some colder weather to wear my latest creations. Not that I am asking for winter. I'm patient and can wait. Winter can take its time and come when it feels like it.